Baddie Tips for Jaw Pain

Baddie Tips for Jaw Pain

Hello Baddies, 

Omg how is it already mid july?! I sure am glad it is summer and almost leo season…:) For this blogs topic I wanted to cover jaw pain and how it is linked to stress/anxiety. This is something I have been personally dealing with a lot this year and I want to share with you all the things I have found that help me and aid with my jaw pain. 

There can be a variety of reasons for why you are experiencing jaw pain. For me, I have been experiencing jaw pain due to stress and anxiety which is making me grind my teeth at night and clench my jaw during the day. If I am grinding my teeth at night then I usually wake up with bad headaches. When I clench my jaw during the day, I also get headaches and get a lot of tension built up in my jaw area that goes up to my ears/ temples. Having headaches and pain often makes it hard to work and get shit done. So here are my tips below!

Baddies tips that help ease jaw pain:

1. Cold press and heat press

Apply a cold press to your jaw area and the areas that have tension from clenching or grinding really helps. Ice helps reduce inflammation. I personally use my skinny confidential ice roller and roll it lightly on my jaw. It seriously helps!! I also have a ice pack from amazon that wraps all the way around my jaw/head and its nice for days where my pain is really bad. Heat also has helped me. I like to switch off icing and then use a heat press. The heat helps relax my muscles and helps with pain. The below ice pack can also be heated so it will work for both!

Ice Roller

Ice/Heat Wrap 

2. Relaxing your jaw muscles 

Soo if you are clenching your jaw during the day most of the time you don't realize you are doing it or you realize it when your jaw is sore from clenching for a while. So doing different jaw movements and having a conscious mind to relax your jaw will help you clench less and will help reduce the inflammation and pain that is building up. Here are a few videos that have helped me relax my jaw! There are a ton of other videos on youtube and tiktok that help with this as well.

3. Getting botox injections
Another thing that helps with teeth grinding and clenching your jaw is getting botox injections. Getting botox injections help aid your muscles and will help with teeth grinding, pain and reduce headaches that come along with clenching and grinding. I highly recommend <3

4. Take Ibuprofen or Tylenol
Over the counter medications help aid with the inflammation and pain. If your pain is really bad and these aren't helping, seek your dentist and ask if they can prescribe a stronger ibuprofen. 

5. Do meditation before bed 

Meditating is something that helps relax your mind and body which is essential in helping reduce headaches, stress and anxiety. Meditation before bed helps with relaxation and helps ease stress which is a common reason why people grind at night. So meditating before bed can help you relax your jaw muscles and ease your mind which can help reduce stress. Meditation before bed is always a good idea and helps me relax and get a good night's rest, so its always a good practice to do regardless if you have jaw pain or grind your teeth. 

Stress and anxiety both affect your body in a variety of ways. When you are really stressed out or juggling a lot, it will show up in your body. If you are having a lot of pain, then seeking a doctor is always a great idea! As these are my recommendations from my personal experience and from doing research. I hope these baddie tips help with your jaw pain and help reduce stress. Doing other exercises that help reduce anxiety can also help with headaches and stress levels. 

I hope you all are having an amazing baddie girl summer!<3 until next time


Ellie B

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